.. all the little creative things of my everyday life.

"So little of what could happen does happen."

Salvador Dalí

Monday, 30 August 2010

if i could be anything in the world .. i would be a model.

I am not a shallow person (Ok that's a lie, we are all shallow to a certain extend), but today it occured to me that one of the most exciting professions on this planet is editorial modelling. Now I am not talking about joining the don't-eat-carbs-or-I-will-not-qualify-to-be-the-next-Covergirl-type of models, but being the human in fashion photography. Being admired and praised for contributing to fantastic frames that are positioned in such a delicate way to create extra-ordinary geometrical scenarios is to me extremely respectful. People flick through fashion shoots everyday but everybody don't quite understand the characteristical depth in which they have derived from and what an important role the human figure have in them.

Imagine travelling the whole world, exploring beautiful landscapes, cultures, colours, textures .. then imagine being able to be dressed in amazing costumes and be put together with all these elements to create a frame that is so thought through that it affects its observer. Light-fall, seasonal changes, life in general .. they are all elements that contribute to a sceneric shot but they are also the reason why a photo can never quite be completely re-created. The world changes all the time and a photo taken right now will therefore be unique and impossible to compare to the next. The same applies to two individuals. Like two different parts of the world, they will also never be identical. As a result of this, models are the core of a fashion photo and the foundation of a successful campaign.

For them everyday is different. They are swept away into different worlds everytime and the playfulness of their jobs never ends. I feel like I am sinning, because I envy them.

If I could be anything in the world .. I would be a model.

David LaChapelle (big fan!):

World Vogue 2010:


Viva les mannequins! /P.

Saturday, 28 August 2010

the surreal house.

surrealism: (sə-rē'ə-lĭz'əm) (Oxford Dictionary of English)

• noun [mass noun] a 20th-century avant-garde movement in art and literature which sought to release the creative potential of the unconscious mind, for example by the irrational juxtaposition of images.

surrealism (Urban Dictionary)

• really screwed up art that came out of Dadaism in WWI (hahaha)

Im going to see The Surreal House at the Barbican Art Gallery on Monday. I have long been interested in the movement and have wanted to go and see this exhibition for a while now. Yesterday I passed one of the adverts in the tube and realised that it's only on for another 2 weeks! It's a dwelling designed by Carmody Groarke infused with subjectivity and desire and features architecture and cinematic dreamscapes by artists, architects and film-makers from the likes of Salvador Dalí, Marcel Duchamp, René Magritte and Man Ray to more contemporary figures such as Rebecca Horn and Rem Koolhas. I am a huge fan of all of them so it's going to be amazing to be apart of something so rare where surrealism is combined with mans most familiar form of art, architecture. I have also heard that it is quite an interactive exhibition with mazes and atmospherical spaces.

I can't wait! / P.

Thursday, 26 August 2010

kyle bean for selfridges

I absolutely adore the new windows at Selfridges. Designer and animator Kyle Bean has produced five pieces in which he is portraiting the scientific law of conservation of energy. Every window has a massive scale with two objects hanging off its arms. One is an object in its natural form and the other one is the object transformed into something else. It is showcasing that matter can never be erased or destroyed only transformed. The scales in the windows show that the objects are different, but still essentially the same. Go and check it out!

Ciao for now / P.

Tuesday, 24 August 2010


I just woke up and realised that one thing was missing .. It's pretty hard every month when you reach this day and realise that there is a whole month for you to experience something similar again. This probably doesn't make any sense to you .. but it's ok. I just wanted to get it out. Either way .. I miss you.

We are doing our roll out in store tonight, hence the fact that I am still in bed. I am fearing it is going to be a long shift .. but I am also positive it will be a good one!

Yesterday I was out hunting for some particular beads in east London. There is a lot of wholesalers in Aldgate East, so we decided to check them out. We found to our disappointment that none of them had what I was looking for, so we decided to visit the 4D model shop which is in the same area. I used to go there all the time as a student and god knows how much money I have actually spent in there! Haha .. It was nice to go back with fresh eyes and have a little stroll around. On our way to the shop I spotted something quite fantastic. When I was in Paris last summer I got familiar with their bicycle culture. Everywhere in central Paris, you can find docking stations with bicycles that you can hire. I fell in love with this concept, as it was easy and a great way of exploring the city. It was childishly romantic. Yesterday I saw one of the docking stations in Aldgate East.

I am hoping that people appreciate this as much as I did and that we will see more of this project in London, or that it at least stays with us till next summer. Fingers crossed!

I still need to admit that the most exciting part of my week occured on Sunday night. I was promised a surprise and when we showed up at the scene I saw this small kind of run-down, yet very charming, building on Portobello Road. I realised that it was a old fashioned theatre but didn't quite understand what was so special about it until we stepped inside the auditorium. WOW! I will let the images speak for themselves:

It is the oldest and most prestigious cinema in London and dates back to 1911. We saw Gainsbourg, a french film portraiting a glimpse at the secret life of French singer and composer Serge Gainsbourg. Not a film you might watch every day but I do recommend it to anybody interested in music and art. And watching the film in an environment such as the Electric Cinema Theatre in Notting Hill Gate was just epic.

Serge Gainsbourg & Brigitte Bardot

All and all a great week. Thanks M.


Sunday, 22 August 2010

martha stuart aint got nothing on me!

I have been baking all Saturday! I woke up with a craving for two things that I can't get a hold of here in London so I decided to make them myself, Swedish kärleksmums and Hungarian langos :)) Pretty good huh?


It took a lot of blood, sweat and tears but eventually we magically figured it out ...

... and voila!

Hungarian Langos .. Yumm Yumm!

Ok peeps, make sure you stay sweet and yummy! / P.

Friday, 20 August 2010

oh sweet weekend!

I am overly excited, I have to say. It's been a tough week but weekend has finally arrived and I already feel much more rested :)

I haven't been able to write this week as I have been super busy so I thought I'd update all you cheeky monkeys now. We had the new September Directive launched on Wednesday night. We are doing our own flip on Tuesday next week. The new presentations look S I C K! It has kind of made me yearn for autumn .. But at the same time I am sad to see the summer pieces disappear. This only means we are entering a new season and we need to say byebye to summer .. Well at least the little bit of summer we had this year! Haha .. So apart from that, Selfridges also launched the new Womens Shoe destination on the 3rd floor. We got to have a little sneak peak of the new trends on Tuesday on the Shoe Lounge Fashion Show. Need to say .. I am in love with Alexander MQ!! Frikkin brilliant designs!! And the Shoe Lounge is really cool. They have 5 different rooms, all with different moods that reflect the type of product that's sold there. Our department is going to be in the rusty department. Shocking! Haha

Selfridges, London, Shoe Lounge

Alexander McQueen - Angel Ankle Boots --> i love!

Anyways moving on from that, I know I had promised to show you guys some of the pieces I had been working on but I found some beautiful yarn the other day so I am holding that off until I have tried it out on the pieces. I will smack those images online next week .. I promise!

Going to chill with my number one so tada for now / P.

Sunday, 15 August 2010

AW 2010 collection.

Today was a good day. Spent most of the day at Brick Lane market, getting some awesome ideas. Had some good conversations with the people there and lets not forget about the FOOD! I keep going on about food here .. Haha. Well it has to be mentioned .. It's what makes me function :)

Apart from that we attended a fashion show, showcasing the new AW collection in our Regent Street store. Some of the items were only samples and hasn't reached the stores yet, so it was great fun to see them. Getting my hands on some of the items tomorrow!! Yay!! Well anyways .. Here's some images ..

Also, like I said the other day I am going to try to finish off some of my pieces by the end of this week so will try to document them. Will keep you posted!

Stay sound / P.

Thursday, 12 August 2010

begun to work again.

My week so far has been very relaxing, I have to say. Although I have been at work all through this week it has been a very creative week for me. On Monday night the floor was refreshed with a new denim destination going in. And then most of the week has been about organising training and attending training sessions at Head Office.

Apart from that I have also begun to sketch out a few new ideas for my collection. I have done some sketch pieces, which helped me understand what geometry and material I want to work on on specific pieces. It also made me realise that I have a HUGE shopping list to tick off !!

I have finally decided on my current theme: Afghan and Persian. Don't know if that is specific enough so showing you some inspiration images:

I have literally fallen in love with the colours and shapes of this part of the world. The Persian Empire as a whole has a very intriguing history and its tales are extremely beautiful. My dad has told me millions of stories from these times and I have always been tempted to interact with the tales and find a way to re-create the imaginary frames from the stories heard. So this is going to be excellent. Lets see how it goes ..

Stay blessed / P.

Wednesday, 11 August 2010

i am not recovering.

im. too. tired

work. has. to. wait.


Monday, 9 August 2010

happy bday .. to me!

Ok so weekend is over now .. Buhu! We spent Friday having dinner and the whole of Sunday I was out in Thorpe Park with my piglets :) I was also given the best surprise ever on Saturday!! But let's leave it at that! :) So thank you all for a great weekend and now that I am 25 I will promise to act more mature .. NOT.

Back to work now with an update of our August Directive being put in place tonight. I will also have some samples ready to show you by the end of this week of a few pieces that I've been working on. I'll keep you posted!

Ciao for now / P.

Wednesday, 4 August 2010

i'm chained up.

Hey guys! The last couple of days have been manic! We have had a million new lines in since the weekend, which we thought was going to mess up our floor. But thankfully we managed to place them all in very good locations. The visits we have had so far, after our new directive move, have been brilliant! Everybody has loved the floor so far and we have been given excellent feedback. Yayy !!

Yesterday I went to The Bead Shop in Covent Garden to browse around in their shop. I was planning on spending quite alot in there but was very disappointed when I arrived as most of the beads they sold were of very poor quality. The beads that I have been working with so far have all been bought in Japan and the difference between them and the ones I saw in the shop were miles apart! On top of that they were expensive aswell, so I am definitly not going back there. Instead I have found some cool distributors online that I will try out.

I did manage to get hold of some cool chains though (but not from that shop). I found them in 4 different styles and it's about 5 meters of each type, which made the trip home a nightmare. They frikkin weighed as much as me!! But it's all good and they are now waiting for me to make them pretty. :)

We have a visit at work again tomorrow. Our head VM manager is coming in so hopefully everything will go well. Also might not be back on here until Monday as it's my biiiiiiiirthday on Sunday! Im turning the big 2-5! But might still pop in at some point. We'll see :))

Ciao for now. My sub is waiting! / P.